Deatailed information for cohesin site CDBP00414637

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  • Basic information
  • CohesinDB ID: CDBP00414637
  • Locus: chr21-21547562-21547890
  • Data sourse: GSE62063, ENCSR000BLY
  • Cell type: SK-N-SH, Ramos
  • DNA Sequence of binding site: UCSC hg38
  • Cohesin category
  • Peak occupancy ratio: 0% samples have this site.
  • Cell specificity (0: conserved, 1: cell type specific): 0.978
  • Subunit: NIPBL,Rad21
  • CTCF binding site: non-CTCF CTCF motif: False
  • Genomic location: TES
  • 3D genome
  • TAD boundary: Boundary
  • Chromatin hubs: Hub
  • Hi-C loops: False Hi-ChIP loops: False ChIA-PET loops: True
  • Compartment: 24% Hi-C samples shows Compartment A
  • Cis-regulatory elements
  • Enhancer (Fantom5): non-Enhancer
  • Super enhancer (SEdb): False
  • Chromatin annotation: "15_Quies": 89%, "9_Het": 9%,
    Note: The percentage represent how many of the 127 Roadmap datasets show the indicated state (top 2).
  • Co-bound Transcriptional factors: RUNX1, MAFG, MEIS2, MAFF, MLLT3, MEF2C, PBX2, CDK9, ERG, CREBBP, ATF3, ATF4, GATA3, TAL1, STAT3, GATA1, CDK8, MED1, VDR, JMJD1C, CEBPB, MYB, LMO2, C11orf30, MAFK, SPI1, IRF1, ZBTB16, GATA2, IRF4, ATF7, BRD4, JUND, KMT2B, ZNF316
  • Target gene symbol (double-evidenced CRMs): NCAM2
  • Function elements
  • Human SNPs: .
  • Number of somatic mutations (coding): 0
  • Number of somatic mutations (non-coding): 8
  • Related genes and loops
